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Ossur Formfit Ankle Brace

Offers the comfort and compression of a soft ankle support with 20-35% more support.

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The Form Fit Ankle Brace with Exoform® Technology is a hybrid between a rigid ankle stirrup and a soft ankle support. With a stirrup-shaped, plastic exoskeleton that conforms to the user's anatomy, it offers the comfort and compression of a soft ankle support with 20-35% more support than traditional stirrup supports.

Product Highlights
Provides the compression and comfort of a soft ankle with 20-35% more protection than traditional stirrups
Optional figure-8 heel lock strapping performs consistently, unlike taping that stretches over time
Speed-laced design1 provides the option of a quick lace-up
Aerospacer base material2 for comfort and breathabilityv
Embedded stirrup structure3 provides excellent
inversion/eversion support
Finger pull loops on heel and tongue for easier application

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You're reviewing:Ossur Formfit Ankle Brace
Recommended for ankle injury rehabilitation/mobilization for mild to moderate sprains and strains (Grade I/II)
Prophylactic use: support for chronically weak ankles

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