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OsteoTron LIPUS Bone Growth Stimulator (3 Month Rental)

With a treatment time of only 20 minutes per day, you can painlessly stimulate bone re-growth at the fracture site with a LIPUS device. Rented in blocks of 3 months: $1300 per month, price includes shipping, and support from our Product Specialists to ensure you're getting the most from the product.

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Low Intensity Pulsed Ultra Sound. ( LIPUS )

With a treatment time of only 20 minutes per day, you can painlessly stimulate bone re growth at the fracture site with a LIPUS device. LIPUS is a relatively new tool for accelerating fracture healing of fresh fractures and non unions.

Clinical Studies Have Proven:

  • LIPUS speeds the return to normal activity.
  • The time to healing was significantly shorter for certian fractures treated by ultrasound.
  • LIPUS has a 90% overall success rate for healing a delayed union.
  • Substantially reduces the delayed healing effects of a secondary factor like smoking.
  • The effectiveness of non-invasive LIPUS can have heal rates similar to those of having surgery without the associated risks and complications- future surgery could be avoided.

How It Works:

LIPUS is a noninvasive ultrasound technology that is worn directly against the skin, which sends ultrasound pulses through the tissue to stimulate the bone to heal.

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Universal 1 or 2 probes

One 20 minute treatment per day

  • Fresh Fractures
  • Delayed Union / Non Union

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