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Fintek Bio-Electric Response PEMF Bone Growth Stimulator

Fintek Bio-Electric Inc. is the Canadian developer and manufacturer of the Fintek Bio-Electric Response, a capacitively-coupled electrical Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) bone growth stimulator.

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Fintek Bio-Electric Inc. is the Canadian developer and manufacturer of the Fintek Bio-Electric Response, a capacitively-coupled electrical Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) bone growth stimulator. The key components are made for us in a high-tech electronics manufacturing facility in Quebec and final assembly and testing are performed here in Burlington, Ontario. The Response is made to  output a 50 KHz to 60 KHz electrical base frequency which has been substantiated in many years of medical clinical testing to produce the optimum healing effect in bone fractures and fusions. Through capacitive coupling the signal actually forms a circuit with the bone and the results are often incredible in the rapidity with which healing is enhanced and restored.  Unlike some of our foreign made competitors’ products, it’s not fancy.  Minimal bell and whistles – it just works.  It works anywhere on the body and it’s easy to use.  It doesn’t interfere with you getting on with your life while healing. There is really no limit to the fracture and fusion applications it can be applied to with full effect, and virtually all patients can ambulate and go about their daily routine while treating with the Response.

Capacitively Coupled Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Bone Growth Stimulator


The Bio-Electric Response has been designed with the patient’s comfort in mind. You can expect the following general benefits from choosing the Bio-Electric Response:

  • Our device’s light and compact design means that it does not impede ambulation.

  • Our electrode can be worn beneath clothing including socks, pants and shirts, and the

    Response unit can be clipped to a belt or put into your pocket.

  • Our electrodes are flat, pliable and flexible, and they are comfortable on the skin.

  • Our electrodes can be placed underneath casts.

  • Our device is delivered to you with a supply of quality batteries and electrodes to fulfill your

    complete treatment needs


It’s not new. Back in the late 1800’s physicians and scientists were putting electrical probes into fracture sites. Literally hundreds of clinical trials and studies have been published since 1953 demonstrating that electrical stimulation is effective both in supporting calcification and consolidation of recalcitrant fractures and accelerating the healing of fractures that may prove problematic due to risk factors. Electrical stimulation for fracture healing has been in home use by patients for nearly four decades.


Studies have proven that capacitive-coupling is the most effective form of electrical stimulation in promoting bone fracture consolidation (1) (5). Capacitively coupled electrical stimulation results in
a greater enhancement of osteoblast proliferation when compared to inductively coupled or coil induced stimulation (1)(5). This may be the case because capacitively coupled stimulation provides the osteoblasts with an unlimited source of external calcium ions (5), compared to inductively coupled and coil induced electrical stimulation that can only give the osteoblasts a limited source of intracellular calcium ions.


The Fintek Bio-Electric Response employs Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) through capacitively coupled current to promote the healing of bone fractures. The signal targets a bone cell protein, serving as a cell receptor trigger to initiate the proliferation of new bone cells called osteoblasts. The osteoblasts are the building blocks of new bone and effectively fill in and consolidate any gaps that patients may have within their fractures. As an additional benefit, PEMF technology may improve blood flow or vascularization to the treated area which may help to heal tissues, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. The Bio-Electric Response can be used in appendicular, pelvic and spinal applications. The device can be prescribed for the following fracture types:

  • Open and Closed Fractures

  • Complex and Comminuted Fractures

  • Spiral, Transverse and Oblique Fractures

  • Spinal Fractures and Fusions

  • Joint Fusions

  • Segmental Fractures

  • Casted Fractures and surgically fixed fractures and fusions with metal implantation

  • Infected Fractures in combination with medication

    The device is prescribed for patients who have a fracture that has presented with non-union or delayed union, or if they have risk factors that increase their probability of going to non-union and healing very slowly. Risk factors can include previous medical conditions or habitual practices that have been shown to inhibit or slow the process of consolidation at the fracture site. Some examples of these factors include:

  • Tobacco use and smoking

  • Osteoporosis

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Advanced age

  • Heart and circulatory conditions

  • Currently on certain blood and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or medications

  • Site infection

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The use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) through capacitively coupled current for
the purpose of healing fractured bones has been studied extensively in the past. It is known that capacitively coupled electrical stimulation leads to enhanced osteoblast proliferation. For example, capacitively coupled electrical stimulation has been shown to upregulate both spatial and temporal gene expression of several growth factors involved with bone cell proliferation including BMP-2, BMP-4, BMP-6, BMP-7, transforming growth factor (TGF)- 1, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 and VEGF (5). In addition to this, capacitively coupled electrical stimulation has also shown that it causes an increase in calcium concentration in the cytosol, which leads to enhanced activation of calmodulin, which in turn leads to increased bone cell proliferation (5).

Several of the published studies utilizing PEMF through capacitively coupled currents have identified the ideal frequency of electrical stimulation that produces the greatest success rate of healing fractures. Studies have confirmed that an electrical signal of approximately 60 KHz is the most effective signal frequency for the consolidation of fractures (3)(5).

Several studies have also aimed to evaluate the efficacy of PEMF in the healing of fractures. Many studies involving PEMF electrical stimulation have proven that it can be highly efficacious in healing fractures, including non-unions. Some of the studies showing high success rates are as follows:

  • Goodwin et al (6) observed an 85% success rate of healing in spinal fusion patients utilizing capacitively coupled electrical stimulation, compared to only a 65% success rate for patients in the control group.

  • Simonis et al (7) showed an 89% success rate (16 out of 18 patients) in healing tibial non-unions with PEMF compared to a 50% success rate (8 out of 16 patients) in the control group.

  • Brighton and Pollack (4) showed a 77% success rate in healing non-union patients using capacitively coupled electrical signals (60 KHz).

  • Benazzo et al (2) observed an 88% success rate (22 out of 25) in healing lower-limb stress fractures utilizing capacitively coupled electrical signals (60 KHz).


  1. Brighton, C.T., Wang, W., Seldes, R., Zhang, G., Pollack, S.R. (2001). Signal transduction in electrically stimulated bone cells. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 83A (10), 1514-1523.

  2. Benazzo, F., Mosconi, M., Beccarisi, G., Galli, U. (1995). Use of Capacitive Coupled Electric Fields in Stress Fractures in Athletes. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 310, 145-149.

  3. Brighton, C.T., Hozack, W.J., Brager, M.D., Windsor, R.E, Pollack, S.R, Vreslovic, E.J., Kotwick, J.E. (1985). Fracture healing in the rabbit fibula when subjected to various capacitvely coupled electrical fields. The Journal of

    Orthopaedic Research, 3(3), 331-340.

  4. Brighton, C.T., Pollack, S.R. (1985). Treatment of recalcitrant non-union with a capacitively coupled electrical field. A

    Preliminary Report. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 67, 577-585.

  5. Gan, J.C., Glazer, P.A. (2006). Electrical stimulation therapies for spinal fusions: current concepts. European Spine

    Journal, 15(9), 1301-1311.

  6. Goodwin, C.B., Brighton, C.T., Guyer, R.D., Johnson, J.R., Light, K.I., Yuan, H.A. (1999). A double-blind study of

    capacitively coupled electrical stimulation as an adjunct to spinal lumbar fusions. Spine, 24(13), 1349-1356.

  7. Simonis, R.B., Parnell, E.J., Ray, P.S., Peacock, J.L. (2003). Electrical treatment of tibial non-union: a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial. International Journal of the Care of the Injured, 34, 357-362.