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DonJoy Surround Tennis Elbow

Comfortable neoprene strap features bladder filled with unique microspheres and wraparound universal design with loop-lock closure. It is intended to reduce impact stress to the epicondyle and helps dissipate muscle force over a greater area.

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Comfortable neoprene strap features bladder filled with unique microspheres and wraparound universal design with loop-lock closure. It is intended to reduce impact stress to the epicondyle and helps dissipate muscle force over a greater area.

Durable to withstand wear during exercise, sporting activities, and repetitive work conditions. Ideal for bursitis, sprains, strains, tendonitis, Medial epicondylitis (Golfer's elbow) and Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow). Provides uniform compression - Fully adjustable strap provides counterforce support. Fits left or right forearm.

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Universal size. 

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